Vision of the Department are identification and evaluation of the approaches (e.g., ecological sustainability; integated design approach) expected for the societal and individual needs that develop in our fast changing world, country and region, within the relative autonomy of the institutional context of the university, and sharing this identification and evaluation with the society through theoretical and applied practices of design.

Mission of the Department is to realize undergraduate and graduate education, research and practice activities in the field of industrial design, by observing the responsibilities towards the society and the individual, and the international criteria and standards, in keeping with the learning objectives of the industrial design discipline.

Aims of the Department are to provide for the acquisition of the competences required for the professional qualifications to carry out educational, research, and professional practice activities in the field of industrial design; to create and sustain learning contexts where creative / innovative and self-confident individuals, who have the values required by professional ethics and sense of social responsibility, will commence; and to contribute with ideas to the quality and enrichment of the societal and individual life experiences with the creative / innovative designs, that are the products of educational and research activities.