Learning Context
Undergraduate Program learning context, with its learner-based educational approach, is based on encouraging the student to share, to participate,to be innovative / creative, optimism, and mutual respect. In this context, the student is expected to be prepared for leadership in the practical and academic fields of the profession, for understanding its wide scope, and continuing a life-long education. The student will be acquainted with the significance of design in meeting the demands of a rapidly changing world, the designer’s roles in practice, and the design solutions that observes the good of both the target group and the society. In this context where a balance in the provision of theoretical and practical knowledge and skills are foreseen, the following items grouped below are in the forefront:

-Development and practices of industrial design;
-Design principles and visualization methods and means;
-Independent and critical thinking;
-Effective communication with speech, written text, and media used in design

-Structure, materials and production techniques integrated with design;
-Principles of safety and sustainability;
-Place/environment (space/time/context) – human behavior – product relations;

-Initiative and leadership;
-Social and professional responsibility;
-Principles of project management

Theoretical knowledge and skills support the design studio courses and the specialized workshops where variety of design situations, increasing in levels of complexity with each term, are worked on. Design studios are experiment and learning contexts where designs, for which various factors that require many different knowledge and skills are observed, are developed as outcome of creative synthesis.